Saturday, 16 April 2011

Bit of a mixed week

No. of km done: 295
No. of km to target: 705
Conditions: Sunny
Starting music: Rebel Rebel by David Bowie
Finishing music: That's Not My Name by the Ting Tings

Went out for a run on Wednesday as usual, but it ended up being a bit shorter than expected because I had the none too pleasant experience of finding a dead dog that someone had decided to drown in a bin bag in the canal. Really, really horrible thing to do. I phoned the RSPCA to recover the body in the hope that they might be able to find out who's dog it was and (perhaps) get someone for doing it.

Then yesterday, I was briefly chased by a swan. Understandable, though, as I realised on the way back I was running quite close to where Mrs Swan had made her nest and obviously had a couple of eggs on the go. Will try and grab a picture of this next week (assuming I don't get a good beaking for getting too close!).

And just a quick note to say good luck to anyone doing the London Marathon this weekend. I've done 20 miles this week spread over 5 days and I'm knackered, so much respect!

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